Eid, Lea2024-07-042024-07-042023Eid, L. (2023). Mothers of Children with Special Needs: The Relationship between the Acceptance-rejection of their Children’s Condition and their Own Quality of Life (SBS thesis, Haigazian University)https://doi.org/doi>10.62811/th.0260https://haigrepository.haigazian.edu.lb/handle/123456789/302This research aimed to examine the relationship between perceived acceptance-rejection of Lebanese mothers towards their children with special needs and their quality of life, taking into consideration the mothers' employment status and the severity of their child's disability. The purposeful convenient sample included 103 participants, all mothers of children diagnosed with autism, learning difficulties, psychomotor difficulties, and/or mental health issues, from the Karagheusian Association Primary Healthcare Center in Burj Hammoud, Lebanon. Employing a non-experimental quantitative design, correlational and regression analyses were conducted to determine whether: (1a) working mothers perceived themselves as having higher levels of parental acceptance toward their children when compared to mothers who did not work, (1b) working mothers had higher levels of quality of life compared to mothers who did not work, (2) a positive association existed between mother’s acceptance of children’s disability and quality of life and (3) child case severity moderated the relationship between acceptance and quality of life. The main research instruments used were the Quality- of-Life Index (QOLI), the Parental Acceptance-Rejection questionnaire (PARQ), and a demographic scale. None of the three hypotheses were supported. The mother’s employment status as well as the child case severity did not influence the relationship between the mother’s acceptance and her quality of life. The study highlighted the necessity for using larger samples in the future as well as a more comprehensive research approach that takes into consideration other factors in the lives of mothers, such as, personal individual characteristics and types of social support.Mothers of Children with Special Needs: The Relationship between the Acceptance-rejection of their Children’s Condition and their Own Quality of Life