Dandash, Fatima2024-06-272024-06-272015Dandash, F. (2015). Factors Predicting Socio-cultural Adaptation and Psychological Adjustment of Lebanese Women in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (SBS thesis, Haigazian University)https://doi.org/10.62811/th.0149https://haigrepository.haigazian.edu.lb/handle/123456789/226This study assessed the relationship between socio-cultural adaptation and depression, including their predictive variables, among 200 Lebanese women residing in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The convenient sample of women completed the Cultural Distance Scale, the Socio-Cultural Adaptation Scale (SCAS), the Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS), the Social Ties, the Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II) and the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire- Revised (Extraversion/Introversion) subscale. Socio-cultural adaptation was significantly positively correlated with cultural distance, residence duration, language, and interaction with locals as well as negatively correlated with depression. Depression was significantly positively correlated with life changes and negatively correlated with extraversion. Also depression was not significantly correlated with satisfaction with relationships with Saudis and other Lebanese and non-Lebanese expatriates. Moreover, depression was the strongest significant predictor of socio-cultural adaptation, while marital satisfaction was the strongest predictor of depression.Factors Predicting Socio-cultural Adaptation and Psychological Adjustment of Lebanese Women in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia