Kaloustian, Elsy2024-06-212024-06-212009Kaloustian, E. (2009). Son and Daughter Mate Selection as a Function of Respective Relations with Mother and Father (SBS thesis, Haigazian University)https://doi.org/10.62811/th.0050https://haigrepository.haigazian.edu.lb/handle/123456789/179This study was conducted to investigate the relationship between father-daughter relationships and women's romantic partner choice; As well as mother-son relationships and men’s romantic partner choice. Romantic couples, at different settings (n=136), completed four questionnaires: one measuring their perception of the quality of relationship they had experienced with their opposite sex parent, and the others describing the psychological characteristics of: the opposite sex parent, the romantic mate, and their own. It was predicted that there will be a positive correlation between the relationship with the opposite sex parent and the romantic partner choice. Although a positive correlation was found between the two variables and, in general, results were significant.Son and Daughter Mate Selection as a Function of Respective Relations with Mother and Father