The Impact of Positive Restaurant Reviews on the Visit Intention of the Reviewed Restaurant: the Case of Lebanese Restaurant Review Readers Residing in Lebanon
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With the increased popularity of online restaurant guides in Lebanon and the growing restaurant industry in Lebanon in parallel, this study was done to investigate if the reviews mentioned on those guides have any influence on the Lebanese consumer‟s restaurant visit intention. In specific, this research focused on understanding 5 key aspects: Whether the review readers‟ normative susceptibility, perceived credibility of positive restaurant reviews, perceived quality of the restaurant reviews, the quantity of positive restaurant reviews and the perceived familiarity of the reviewed restaurant‟s brand have a significant impact on the restaurant visit intention. An online questionnaire composed of 32 questions was distributed on Facebook pages of restaurants, online restaurant guides, universities and other social pages. The link was also published by 3 online restaurant guide Facebook pages, on an influential foodie‟s Facebook account, on a famous blogger‟s Facebook account and on a famous online restaurant guide website. Out of 320 respondents, 255 were qualified and their responses were analyzed on SPSS .No significant relationship between normative susceptibility and the restaurant visit intention was shown. However, a significant relationship was shown between restaurant visit intention and 1) perceived credibility of positive reviews, 2) perceived quality of positive reviews, 3) quantity of positive reviews and 4) perceived brand familiarity of the reviewed restaurant.
Based on the findings, recommendations such as keeping a close eye on the reviews, monitoring the quality/quantity of reviews written about the restaurant and boosting restaurant brand awareness through reviews on the restaurant guides was given to restaurant owners.
Krikorian, S. S. (2015). The Impact of Positive Restaurant Reviews on the Visit Intention of the Reviewed Restaurant: the Case of Lebanese Restaurant Review Readers Residing in Lebanon (MBA thesis, Haigazian University)