Mentoring Practices: The Perspectives of Principals, Mentors and Novice Teachers
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The purpose of this research study was to explore the perspectives of principals, mentors and novice teachers at nine private schools in Beirut on how they conceived mentoring, the forms of mentoring support available at their schools, the mentoring practices implemented at their schools and their recommendations on improvement of current practices. A theoretical framework was developed based on well-established mentoring practices evident in the literature. A qualitative research design, with grounded theory as its methodology, was adopted in this study. Data was analyzed using the constant comparative approach. The conceptual categories emerging formed the basis to develop a proposed model of mentoring practices that is grounded in the context of private schools in Beirut. The proposed model was compared to the theoretical framework. In addition to the proposed model, the findings of the study revealed that the schools lacked institutionalized and documented mentoring programs. Novice teachers were under-prepared, lacked adequate pre- and in-service teacher training and received support (if found) by their superiors and peers. The study also revealed that the participants used the terms supervising, coordinating and mentoring interchangeably. They did not realize the difference between mentoring as a function and the formalized supervisory roles held by the school superiors and accordingly regarded their superiors as their mentors. In addition, the mentors (mainly head of departments) followed the directive approach to supervision, which hindered opportunities for novice teachers‘ professional development and encouraged dependency. Finally, principals and mentors (head of departments and head of divisions) seemed to underestimate the collegial support novice teachers received from their peers. Although mentors relied highly on peer mentoring support they did not admit of its importance and of its being one form of mentoring support. Recommendations for practice and research were then suggested.
Nourian, R. W. (2016). Mentoring Practices: The Perspectives of Principals, Mentors and Novice Teachers (SBS thesis, Haigazian University)