Regular Classroom Teachers' Perception Towards Inclusion in Private Schools in Lebanon

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The purpose of this exploratory study was to analyze the perception of 60 elementary and middle school regular classroom teachers, from four selected Lebanese Private Schools that have an inclusion program, towards inclusion. A survey, consisting of eleven close-ended research questions was used to assess teachers' perception of inclusion in general, their theoretical and practical preparedness for inclusion, the administrative and academic support being made available to them, and the different challenges that face inclusion. In addition, ten of the 60 participants were selected to answer a seven-question semi-structured interview related to their everyday experience of inclusion. Participants' responses were analyzed using a thematic analysis in which four organizing themes were delineated (perception of inclusion, support, potentials and challenges), allowing for the further emergence of several recurrent basic themes. The overall analysis revealed that the majority of regular classroom teachers supported the idea of inclusion but their responses varied according to the nature of the disability. The analysis also revealed that class size, lack of resources, lack of practical experience with students with special educational needs prior to the implementation of inclusion, insufficient time for planning and inappropriate administrative support were identified by all participants as important issues to be taken into consideration for a successful implementation of inclusion. Based on the findings, recommendations are discussed in order to improve regular classroom teachers' perception of inclusion.
Abou Assaly, N. (2014), Regular Classroom Teachers' Perception Towards Inclusion in Private Schools in Lebanon (SBS thesis, Haigazian University)